Sunday, February 21, 2010

Don't Judge a Book by Its Cover

I was really looking forward to this module study because I have always been interested in interior design, but have never had the resources to get started. Thus far all the reading material has been very enlightening and I am learning more than I expected. I am beginning to see architectural and interior designs where I have never noticed them before. For example, I was driving down the highway yesterday and I saw a cellular phone store that I pass at least a few times a week. I always notice this particular store because of the vibrant sign on top of the building and I thought that was the only reason why I was so attracted to it, but now I have more words to express why it is so compelling even from the road side. At a second glance I noticed that the exterior of the building has an addition on the roof in which the sign in hung, adding a layer to the building. The octagonal shape of the building is also interesting and adds to the functionality of the space. The store also has four full windows covering the front of the store allowing light to flood inside. The window also allowed me to see inside the store and I saw how well organized the store was. There were varied ceiling heights that separated the space well creating different areas for the various functions of the store. Even in my own home I am realizing the elements that work to make the space feel more like a home and those elements that do not work. Two things stand out for me. The crown molding and floor molding around each room give the home order and are used as a visual tool to make the space feel much bigger as most of the rooms are on the smaller side. I have also noticed that the entry way while small and not symmetrical does lead quite well into an open space. The kitchen can be seen from the front door and at the end of the kitchen is a large window drawing the eye all the way through the living room and into the kitchen. Those elements that do not work are the ceilings and the lack of symmetry throughout the house. The ceilings are all one height and do not really allow for functional spaces. I mentioned the moldings as feature that gave the home order. Other than the moldings, there are no other elements that make the house seem to have a theme. We also seem to lack some symmetry throughout the elements in the home which then also leads to the lack of order in the home. While I am noticing these design elements I cannot help but think of my own teaching in terms of self reflection. I believe that self reflection is vital to the work of teachers. Teachers are lifelong learners and should be expected to not only keep track of current practices, but also to be aware of how their teaching can and should change. Just like I have seen the ways in which the interior designs of my home can change for the better, I need to be able to look outside of my own teaching to be aware of those things that I could change to best the needs of my students. I am realizing that reflection is essential in many careers including those of teachers and interior designers.
Another part of my journey this week was realizing that you cannot judge a book by its cover. I took a trip to my local shopping center and toured a few stores to examine the exterior and interiors. Many of the stores I have never been into either because I never felt the need or I was never drawn to it by its outward appearance. When I actually took the time to enter many of these places, I found that the interior was designed much better than the outside or the architecture of the store. I also found interesting items in these stores. Now I realize that in many cases the outside does match the inside, but I realized that in other cases the outside does not match what is on the inside. I learned not to judge the inside by what I see outside. Teachers have to do the same thing with people they meet, especially students. I am reminded of my first day of my internship year. There was a standout child who seemed to talk all of the time and wanted to be in the spotlight. In other words he needed a lot of attention and I assumed he was going to be a trouble maker or at least a handful. What I later realized was that he was a nervous student that wanted to make sure he made a good impression on his new teachers. He ended up being one of the most intelligent and well mannered students I have ever taught. I was quick to judge him before I really got to know him. I am almost ashamed to tell this story, but it was a learning experience and I now know not to judge too quickly.

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